TX LA Women "Our Story"
TX LA Women is a ministry within the Texas Louisiana Hispanic Network of the Assemblies of God. Women Ministry was established within the Assemblies of God 11 years after it formed in 1914. In 2006 Women Ministry was thriving and growing at the time the districts name was The Gulf Latin American District "GLAD" As the district grew and grew, that year the District was divided into 4, and the Texas Louisiana Hispanic District was born and we became Texas Louisiana Hispanic District Women Ministry. In the year 2024 a new season came for our District and we became The Texas Louisiana Hispanic Network of the Assemblies of God, with a new executive Women Ministry team with Rev. Stephanie Lopez as the Women's District Director, Rev. Noemi Garcia as the Assistant and Rev. Eunice Partida Bucio as the Secretary Treasurer. These women of God are doing new and exciting things for The Lord as they are obedient to the Holy Spirit. God is rising up a new generation of leaders who are answering the calling of The Lord in Ministry. Our heart and mission statement is being committed to the call of serving our TX LA Women and having a heart beat for Missions.

TX LA Women Executive Team
On the left Rev. Noemi Garcia, Rev. Stephanie Lopez in the middle, Rev. Eunice Bucio on the right.